Final Theses

Bachelor, Research and Master Theses

These student projects are available, just contact the responsible person.

Final theses at IMT

We are continiously offering a variety of topics for your thesis. Browse the list below and approach the advertising person directly.

  1. You have found a suitable topic in the list of open theses. It is best to contact the supervisor by e-mail.
  2. The e-mail should contain the following information:
    • Topic you are interested in
    • Information about your degree course (degree course, semester, fields of competence (B.Sc.)/specialization subjects (M.Sc.))
    • Current transcript of records
    • CV
  3. As soon as the supervisor has received the e-mail, they will contact you.

If none of the listed topics for open theses appeal to you or if no topic is advertised in the desired research area, an unsolicited application is always possible.    

Please visit our website to find out more about our main research areas and current research projects and send an e-mail to the person responsible.

Your e-mail should contain the following information:

  • Topic you are interested in
  • Desired focus within the topic
  • Information about your degree course (degree course, semester, fields of competence (B.Sc.)/specialization subjects (M.Sc.))
  • Current transcript of records
  • CV

As soon as the supervisor has received the e-mail, they will contact you.

External final thesis

Please note: we cannot supervise theses from other universities (the same applies to HAWs – Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften – Universities of applied sciences). You must look for a supervisor at your home university.

Only under certain circumstances (e.g. cooperation projects, part-time degree programmes) can an exception be made.

It is also not possible to write a thesis (Bachelor's or Master's thesis) at the IMT as a member of another university.

The Institute for Medical Device Technology supports students of medical technology in the execution of external master theses [1] at cooperating companies. Usually, these topics are developed in the context of jointly conducted projects. In exceptional cases, however, completely external topics can be worked on upon request.

[1] Bachelor- and student research projects are always conducted internally at Stuttgart University.

The definition of a topic has to be done with care. Under no circumstances should the topic be a hidden internship or a simple service ("Hiwi-Job"). If, for example, the measurement procedure has already been determined and the sensors have already been purchased, "Construction of a test stand for the investigation of..." is not a suitable topic. Also, it is only of limited use to write the Master's thesis at the company where the mandatory internship was completed, as the study is intended to serve as a training and to gain as much experience as possible.

The best approach is to start with a hypothesis (e.g. "It is possible to measure the parameter X with sufficient accuracy and dynamics in order to achieve Y."), set up an experiment, test bench or functional model and then verify the hypothesis in a key experiment or characterization. The work is carried out under supervision and the candidate can make his or her own decisions. This means that there must be different options for a solution.

The following points must therefore be critically considered:

  • First, define a hypothesis.
  • Only one A-problem may [2] have to be processed. At the beginning, all decisive ambiguities must not be eliminated.
  • The solution space must contain more than one potential solution.
  • The student must be free in finding the solution. It must be possible to carry out the work openly.
  • The problem must be so important for the company that it provides sufficient resources for support and, if necessary, for the construction of a demonstrator, but it must not be so important that the result has a direct influence on the turnover and must be available by a certain date.
  • The creativity of the student must be used.
  • The company must have a staff member pointed out who regularly (e.g. once per week) discusses with the student.
  • The company must accept that the student will give one or two intermediate presentations and the final lecture at the University of Stuttgart. The contents can be designed in a way that IP is protected. A dedicated NDA will not be negotiated.

[2] A, B and C problems are distinguished. For the latter, a solution exists and is immediately available. For B problems it is clear that there is a solution, but it must be procured or specifically adapted. With A problems it is certain that there can be a solution, but this solution is new and must be developed.

  1. You contact us with a proposed topic (in writing, max. one page), we will arrange a meeting date.
  2. We will discuss the topic with you and - if there is still a need for clarification - involve the company.
  3. You negotiate an employment contract with the company.
  4. You register the topic and process it. The maximum processing time is 6 months (see Prüfungsordnung).
  5. When you sign the registration form, you will receive a brochure from us containing all the important information on processing, the written part, and the presentations we expect you to give.
  6. At about half time we will visit you and you will give an interim presentation. During this we will clarify the current state of affairs and discuss next steps and expectations.
  7. In the second half of the session, you will give an interim presentation at the IMT – after consultation with the company.
  8. You will give your final presentation at the IMT approximately two weeks after handing in your work.
  9. For a Master thesis a dedicated NDA will not be negotiated. If necessary, a confidentially agreement can be signed by the supervisor.
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