Practical Courses

Information about the practical courses in the Spezialisierungsfach (SF, specialisation subject) Medical Device Design.


The practical exercises in the Spezialisierungsfach (SF, specialisation subject) Medical Device Design take place in the form of practical course experiments (SF-Versuche specialisation experiments). Participation in a total of eight experiments is required (of which at least four are specialisation experiments, otherwise APMB experiments). APMB experiments can be freely selected from the list of GKM experiments.

To participate in the SF experiments, you can also choose from the offers at IMT, IKTD, IKFF and IMA.

Registration is partly by list at the institute, partly by ILIAS/C@MPUS on different dates, which are published on the respective institute homepages:

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

The experiments must be prepared in advance using the script available via ILIAS. At the beginning of each test, the preparation questions mentioned in the script are discussed together. In case of insufficient preparation, participation in the experiment can be refused.

Please note the limited number of places per experiment and register in time.

SF experiments at IMT

Please check the German version of this page for more information. 


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