- We only offer internships between three and six months.
- We require you to have an average grade of 2,0 or better in the German system. Please provide the appropriate conversion table if you are coming from a non-German region.
- At the moment, we are only able to provide two internships per year. The earlier you apply the better your chances will be.
- We provide internships for students of mechanical, electrical, mechatronics or medical engineering with a strong focus on mechatronics.
- You need to have passed at least four semesters and have “basic engineering knowledge”.
- You need to have at least a proven B2 level of English or German.
- We will provide an appropriate work place and University of Stuttgart’s International Office can give you further support.
- You may be able to enrol as a "free mover" and benefit from the advantages of student status (low-priced student accommodation in a dorm, cheap local transport ticket, student canteen, etc.).
Your application must be one single pdf document and should include:
- A one-page letter of motivation
- CV
- Academic transcript (and appropriate conversion, if required)
- One letter of recommendation
- Any additional information that describes you well
Please send your application to: peter.pott@imt.uni-stuttgart.de
University of Stuttgart offers accommodation only to regular students.
As an intern you are not eligible to a room in a dorm on campus. Several options exist for affordable short-term living. Please book well (at least 3 months) in advance:
- Boarding house of Studierendenwerk Stuttgart: https://www.boarding-wohnen.de/en/
- Student hotel: https://www.studierendenhotel-stuttgart.de/en/
- Kolpingwerk: https://www.kolpinghaus-stuttgart.de/kolpinghaeuser/preisguenstige-unterkunft/
- Flat share: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/wg-zimmer-in-Stuttgart.
- Holiday appartments: www.fewo-direkt.de
- Higher standard appartments: http://www.boarding-house-stuttgart.de/preise.php
- Jugendherberge Stuttgart: https://www.jugendherberge.de/jugendherbergen/stuttgart-international-112/portraet/ (a hostelling international membership is required)
- Jugendgästehaus: https://ib-jugendgaestehaus-stuttgart.de/preise-kontakt.html
- Short-term rental agencies like https://www.agenthome.de/en/
Peter P. Pott
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.Head of the Institute